
1)      Health

a) To Support, contribute, conduct, organize, establish, Blood donation Camps, health checkup & awareness camps, provide / distribute medication & aids and medical support needs.

b) Support & establish health & deaddiction centers, laboratories, hospitals, Counselling & rehabilitation and support mental & emotional wellbeing.

2)      Education

a) To support, contribute, organize for school fees, donations of computers & associated infra, Sports items, cloths & bags, electronic learning items including laptops, education & learning aids and physical & electronic infrastructure for students, groups, institutions.

b) To support activities for establishment, renovation, infrastructure for schools of all kinds.

3)      Environment

a) To preserve, protect & support environment, air, water, vegetation, soil, agriculture and waste management.

b) To encourage & educate the creation & usage of renewable energy options and support for individuals, institutions & communities.

4)      Art, Sports, Culture, Traditions, Heritage & Practices

a)  To support, renovate, protect, restore & encourage activities related to temple infrastructures, historic places & items, libraries, books, palm leaves, scriptures & sculptures, art, dance, culture, sports, spirituality, heritage.

b) To support, protect & encourage Ancient, Vedic, Yogic, cultural learnings & practices and establish necessary infrastructure & support structure.

5)      Social

a) To distribute, provide, making available blankets, Food grains, food, water, nutrition, medicine and other essential & life support items to the needy.

b) Relief actions during Earthquake, Flood and other natural disasters and establish Community Kitchen to provide edibles & arrange essentials to needy people.

c) To establish, provide, organize - Old age homes, Homes for Children / destitute, End of Life support.

d) To organize, provide, encourage, conduct storytelling to children or elderly people, organizing Yoga, Meditation, Equitable training, supporting Indian healing methods & practices.

e) To provide, organize, encourage, support – social support to individuals, groups, communities, institutions.

f)To support, encourage, honor & felicitate achievers, individuals, groups, communities & institutions with Awards, rewards and titles.

6)      Entrepreneurship & Skill development

a) To establish, provide, encourage, organize, conduct, Entrepreneurship, Skill training & development, workshops, vocational programs, seminars, mentoring, education to individuals, groups, institutions, organizations.

b) To support & encourage - startups, establishing / reviving / expanding entrepreneurial ventures, small or medium businesses, industries, research & development, Technological invention / innovation / development in existing and new areas.